Thursday, November 27, 2008

Client Project

Some of the biggest challenge that occurred when working with my team members was coming to an agreement on when to meet to begin our project. Since we were all in school functions and worked, it was hard to meet at night, so we resolve our problems by taking advantage of the free days we were given by Ms. Rodgers. Another challenge that we had was compensating for a lack of team members absence. We overcame the challenge by doubling our task work for the project.

The best thing about the project was coming up an idea to enhance the attention of the Foothills YMCA to college students. Many college students are not aware of the YMCA and our idea was to increase their reputation among the Clemson student body. It also was fun getting to know my classmates and seeing the different and similar personalities that we had as a team.

Something that I have learned for this class project is to be more patience with my team members. I also have learned that not all team members will not be responsible for their actions and that sometimes you have to compensate for their lack of task. With this experience I will be prepared in case a team member decides not to do their part in a group project.

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