Thursday, October 30, 2008


One incident were miscommunication was used was when my volleyball coach from North Carolina State University, left the entire team at Coldstone. Our coach decided to go back to the hotel instead of waiting for the team to get our ice cream. Instead the coach made our assistant coach supervise us and told us that she was going to the local grocery story. Instead of going to the local grocery story, she went back to the hotel and left us in the cold weather of November. After the bus driver came and got us, we met our coach at the hotel, where she did not apologize for leaving us and instead laughed at us. She blamed everything on our assistant coach and made us go to bed. A way we could have prevented the miscommunication is if our coach would have been patience and waited for us to get our ice cream. Another way we could have avoid this situation is by our coach being truthful with us and telling us that she was not going to the local grocery store.

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